Our Easy Access Colon Cancer Screening is a service available to our patients who desire to have a colonoscopy without having to schedule a pre-procedure office visit. This allows healthy, age appropriate patients to easily schedule a colonoscopy for screening purposes.
Colonoscopy screening is advised for all average-risk patients, ages 45 to 80, as a method of colon cancer screening. Patients with significant illnesses (poorly controlled diabetes, significant cardiac disease, severe breathing problems, kidney problems) are advised to schedule a consultation with one of our gastroenterologists prior to the procedure.
By completing the request form, your information will be reviewed by our office and then you will be contacted by our staff to schedule your colonoscopy, review your history, obtain bowel preparation, and receive final colonoscopy instructions.
If you would prefer to schedule a consultation before any procedure please call for an appointment at 918-940-8500.
You are not a candidate for easy access screening if you answer “Yes” to any of the following questions.
If you are in good health and have answered “No” to the above questions and wish to proceed to scheduling your Easy Access Colonoscopy Screening, please complete and submit the Easy Access Colon Cancer Screening request form.